PetPoms Pet Gazette — Epilepsy

Meet Dash, June's PetPoms Pet of the Month

Sunny Brazelton

Comments 2 Tags Dash, Epilepsy, PetPoms Pet of the Month

Meet Dash, June's PetPoms Pet of the Month

Meet @HappyPuppyDash Dash remains a happy puppy despite his current condition. Dash suffers from canine epilepsy and several months ago became paralyzed in his hind legs.  He needs an MRI and a spinal tap to help his vet discover the cause and to form a treatment plan for him. His pawrents have been trying to raise the necessary funds ever since.  We want to help. So when our furiends, Barksdale and Bear, decided to celebrate their humom's thousanteenth barkday by paying it forward and organizing a fundraiser for Dash we jumped on the chance to pawticipate. We ordered our momager...